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  • Thierry Onkelinx. Author, maintainer.
    Author of the reimplemented functions

  • Victor Teh. Author.
    Original author


Source: inst/CITATION

Onkelinx, Thierry; Teh, Victor (2024) qrcode: Generate QRcodes with R. Version 0.3.0.

  title = {qrcode: Generate QRcodes with R. Version 0.3.0},
  author = {Thierry Onkelinx and Victor Teh},
  year = {2024},
  url = {},
  abstract = {Create static QR codes in R. The content of the QR code is exactly what the user defines. We don't add a redirect URL, making it impossible for us to track the usage of the QR code. This allows to generate fast, free to use and privacy friendly QR codes.},
  keywords = {two-dimensional barcode; matrix barcode},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5040088},